Business Analyst In Job Search Mode

Dear NEAG,

Hello NEAG Members,

I am in Job Search mode for Full Time Employment as a Business Analyst, Corporate Trainer or Six Sigma Consultant. I am flexible as to assignment. I would prefer to work the “Contract to Hire” route to employment.

I bring over 15 years of Business Analyst experience to the table. I’ve work as a Six Sigma Black Belt Consultant and Corporate Trainer roles.

I currently serve as an Adjunct Professor of Engineering Science at Tunxis Community College and as a part time Substitute Educator in Newington Public Schools.

I am readily available to consult in the areas of Business Analysis for IT in a Managed Care Company, Six Sigma Black Belt Consultant at a Manufacturer or Service Company and Corporate Trainer.

Feel free to contact me at: 860-463-2128 or at: .

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Stan Marcinczyk

Stan Marcinczyk

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This posting was generated from the NEAG Contact Form.

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