New NEAG Groups Focus on Community and Growth
I’m very happy to announce that beginning this fall we are going to launch two new Northeast Executive Advisory Group initiatives.
First, in order to bring awareness, mobilize calls to action and help prioritize our focus we will be launching the Northeast Community Solutions Group. Anyone who has a passion for community service should contact me directly. Our first step will be to form a Leadership Team. Once formed, we will conduct monthly calls and quarterly meetings.
Our hope is that the folks who volunteer to take the helm of CSG going forward will steer the program nimbly and creatively in whatever direction they see fit. I’ll be sending an Outlook invitation out shortly for a call on September 11, 2015 at 7:45 am (same call-in number as always 800-775-8139 Passcode 6784008). The purpose of this call is to discuss CSG and identify folks who have an interest being part of the leadership group.
The second group we are forming is designed to enhance our B2B referral efforts. Put another way, we trying to be more purposeful in our efforts to tap into the infinite potential that exists to support each other’s growth, whenever and wherever possible. The Northeast Growth Partnership will consist of business owners, practice leaders and senior business development professionals. In order to put real skin in the game and get many shoulders pushing the wheel forward the NGP will have annual dues of $250. Includes monthly cross referral calls, quarterly meetings and digital sales growth strategies. If you are interested in joining or simply learning more about NGP email me. I plan to initiate an informative call on September 10th at 7:00 am EST (800-775-8139 Passcode 6784008).
My best
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