A Message From Ted: 2017 Thoughts & Efficiency

I’m very confident we’ll have a good year. I base this observation on numbers. In the last two weeks I’ve heard from more than 20 people who landed. And 8 people who landed new clients due to referrals from other NEAG members. The economy is going to jettison forward. Buckle in, hold on tight and stay positive.

Since we started in 2004, one person at a time coming together to help each other, with whatever was needed, we now have over 4500 people on NEAG distribution. That’s a heck of a lot of positive energy. Energy that ignites and BABOOOM – makes great things happen. Someone once said ‘the wider you open your arms the stronger you get.’

So you need to stay engaged, keep moving forward, when you feel like turning inward, reach out and give someone an assist, big or small, you’ll make a huge difference. Remember throughout 2017, when you feel mentally wasted, overwhelmed and wondering how the f*&% you’re ever going to achieve what you’re striving for, it’s at those times that you really need to push just a little bit further – cause you’re probably closer than you think.


Starting tomorrow, 1/3/17, things will again be moving 150 miles per hour. We need to be more efficient than ever. If you have someone who wants to be part of NEAG make sure they know:

1)    They don’t need permission/there’s no formal vetting process.

2)    They can go to our website www.northeastexecutives.com  and fill out contact information. They only need to read info on how to fill the form out correctly. Their cover letter helps NEAG members understand how to help them. They should address the message to NEAG.

3)    New members should also send me an concise email asking to be put on email distribution. Given travel, etc., sometimes it can take me as long as a week to get to those emails. But I will get to them. In the meantime, let them know they’re welcome to participate in anything we do (calls, dinners, morning meetings).

4)    If they, or you, have a time sensitive issue, best to call me on my mobile 860.751.9805. I have plenty of windshield time on the road, and quiet time.. at night…on the trail, by the crackling fire while playing my harmonica…with the coyotes howling in the distance, while I’m whittling a new flute for my best gal…seriously, calls are best, the emails pile up.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now.”

Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet

(made known to me by my daughter Drew this weekend– who I’m always learning from)

My best,
Ted Pizzo

Ted Pizzo on linkedin
Ted Pizzo
Managing Executive at Lockton
Ted Pizzo founded NEAG in 2004 to help collaboration among regional executives. Since NEAG was created, the group has blossomed to over 1,000 members and continues to grow its membership and regional footprint. Ted also works at Lockton Companies as Managing Executive where he remains committed to listening to others in order to help them achieve their stated objectives. Ted enjoys the outdoors, particularly hiking with his dog and running.

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